Shuvozit Ghose

M.Sc. student
Department of Computer Science
University of Manitoba, Canada
Resume Google Scholar GithubLinkedin

My specific area of interest is Deep Learning and its applications in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. I completed my MSc in Computing Science from University of Manitoba , where I was advised by Prof. Yang Wang. I am looking for full time opputunities in Maching learning focusing on Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Data Analytics.


Recent News

  • NEW 04/2024: 1 paper accepted to ICPR 2024
  • NEW 04/2024: 1 paper accepted to CRV 2024 (Oral)
  • 10/2023: Completed MSc thesis defence
  • 07/2021: 1 paper accepted to ICCV 2021

    Research Experiences

    University of Manitoba, Canada
    Under Prof. Yang Wang
    September 2021 - October 2023

    University of Surrey, United Kingdom
    Under Prof. Yi-Zhe Song
    June 2020 - March 2021

    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
    Under Prof. Partha Pratim Roy
    September 2018 - January 2021

    Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, India
    Under Prof. Umapada Pal
    August 2018 - July 2020


    Contact Information

     shuvozit1
     +1-431-554-2105